The Mexican Hat Dance Activity Page


As you listen to the melody, try to feel the beat of the music. Repeat "1,2, 3, and 4" over and over in your head. This will help you to put the arm motions, foot steps and claps together. Sometimes, the beat gets faster. When the music speeds up, your dance movements must be quick. The Mexican Hat Dance can be performed with one partner or a group.

The starting position is standing with feet together and hands at sides. Begin the dance on the count of "1" by folding your left arm across your stomach. Your left hand can have a soft fist. Place your right elbow on your left hand. Your right hand is open like you are waving. Fling your right hand back. At the same time, put your right heel out.

On the count of "2", fold your right arm across your stomach. Your right hand can have a soft fist. Place your left elbow on your right hand. Your left hand is open like you are waving. Fling your left hand back. At the same time, put your left heel out.

On the count of "3", fold your left arm across your stomach. Your left hand can have a soft fist. Place your right elbow on your left hand. Your right hand is open like you are waving. Fling your right hand back. At the same time, put your right heel out.

On the counts of "and 4" , clap two times very fast.

Start over and repeat the motions of counts "1", "2", "3", "and 4", seven times.

You can hear the music change. On the count of "1", clap. On the count of "2", clap. On the count of "3", clap. On the count "and 4", raise your arms high and shout " olé " (oh - lay) which means hooray in Spanish. Repeat these motions three times.

The music changes again to the beginning melody. Repeat the beginning motions four times.

Then, the music becomes fast and swirling. You are to hold hands with your partner or group and move quickly around in a circle.

The song starts over. So repeat all of the hand motions, steps, claps and shouts from the beginning. The dance ends with everyone moving quickly in a circle.


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